

Property Registration

Purchase a set of documents for the sale/purchase agreement

Agency : Vientiane Capital National Resources and Environment Division, Land Management Sector

The buyer or seller will purchase a set of documents containing all the required forms to complete the entire process. Notably, there is a form to be certified by the Village Chief Authority, two sale/purchase agreement, one for the buyer and one for the seller. The form to request the non-encumbrance certificate as well. The agency will also provide a guideline on how to complete this form.

Time and cost: 1 day, LAK 15,000

Obtain the Village Chief certification on application form for the Land Title Accuracy Certificate

Agency: Village Chief Authority

The seller will take the application form (purchased in procedure 1) to the Village Chief to be certified. This certification is the proof that the seller is the rightful owner of the land and that there is no dispute on this land. This form will be submitted to the District Natural Resources and Environment Office to obtain the accuracy certificate.

Time and cost: 1 day, LAK 30,000

Obtain the Land Title Accuracy Certificate (“Certificate”)

Agency: Vientiane Capital National Resources and Environment Division, Land Management Sector

The buyer or their appointees submit the application form signed by the village chief where the land is located to the Vientiane Capital National Resources and Environment Division, Land Management Sector for verification of correctness of the land title. After receiving the application form, the Land Management Sector will verify the correctness of the land title compared with the Land Registry Book, Land Map and other related documents. If it is correct, the Certificate of Correctness of the land title will be issued.

Time and cost: 3 days, LAK 50,000

Complete the LMA sale-purchase agreement form and the Registration Request Application

Agency: Village Chief Authority

The authorized representatives of the seller-company and buyer-company must execute a sale and purchase agreement in a form provided by the District Natural Resources and Environment Office, which is signed by three witnesses and by the village chief where the land is located.

At the same time, the registration form is also certified by the Village Chief Authority.

Time and cost: 2 days, LAK 500,000

Notarize the sale-purchase agreement

Agency: Notary’s Office

The Instruction No. 873/MoJ, dated October 10, 2014on the Implementation of the Notary Law requires for the parties (or their duly authorized representatives) to be present at the Notary Office in order to have the sale-purchase agreement notarized. They submit the Certificate of Correctness of Land Title to Notary Office along with the original sale-purchase agreement. The signed sale and purchase agreement is certified by the Notary Office to attest that land use rights have been appropriately transferred according to the agreement.

Time and cost: 3 days, LAK 40,000 (LAK 20,000 + LAK 5,000 per page)

Registration of the sale-purchase agreement and issuance of the new Land Title

Agency: Vientiane Capital National Resources and Environment Division, Land Management Sector

The notarized sale and purchase agreement is submitted to the Vientiane Capital National Resources and Environment Division, Land Management Sector for registration. After, a new land title in the name of the Buyer will be issued and delivered to the new owner.

Time and cost: 18 days, LAK 31,197,090.55

  • LAK 135,000 (Land & stamp Title)
  • LAK 50,000 (Verification fees)
  • LAK 30,000 (land Title Form)
  • 1% property value (Registration Fee)
  • 2% for the Tax Authority
  • Service Fees of 300 sq.m. for land