- Dusun Kamal,Rt 02 Rw 04 Pagersari Mungkid Magelang Jawa Tengah 56551, Indonesia
- [email protected]
Since 2000, PT Oriental Seed Indonesia has been an important player in producing quality horticultural plant seeds. Supported by experienced experts and technology from South Korea, it guarantees that the seeds produced will provide the best results for farmers. The seeds that we produce are guaranteed to grow and give good results if they are in accordance with the care method we have specified.
- Company: PT. Oriental Seed Indonesia
- Address: Dusun Kamal,Rt 02 Rw 04 Pagersari Mungkid Magelang Jawa Tengah 56551, Indonesia
- Phone: +62 293 782 450/ +62 815 7872 6979
- Fax: +62 293 782 436
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Curly Chili, Big Chili
- Cayenne Pepper
- Tomato, Cucumber
- Eggplant, Broccoli
- Cauliflower, Cabbage Flower
- Chinese Cabbage
- Caisim, Spinach
- Kale, Oyong
- Pariah, Sukini
- Paprika, Long Beans
- String Bean, Sweet Corn
- Watermelon, Melon