

Construction Permission

Obtain application form

Agency: Municipal Department of Land Management, Construction and Urban Planning  

The application form and list of supporting documents must be picked up from the Municipal Department of Land Management, Construction and Urban Planning.

Time and cost: 1 day, KHR 4,500

Submit documents to the Sangkat Office for review

Agency: Sangkat Office

According to Subdecree No. 86 (dated December 19, 1997), relating to the construction permit, the documents attached to the official letter application must contain at least the following (10 copies on 21 x 29.7 cm paper):

  • Certificate to the estate or title certificate to the estate or the temporary occupation permit to the land
  • Sheet of plot (the basic plan of dimension of the land): this plan shall be made by a private land surveyor or by the land office’s private agent
  • Plan of warehouse location on the plot. This plan specifies the location of construction in the plot and the object of the application, by stating the following: the distance between one or more buildings and boundaries of the plot and the distance of the neighboring existing buildings; all arrangements of other sectors of the vacant land, with clarification on the type of land and existing crops and planned car parks and fences; drainage pipes outside the building (substance, diameter, slope, height level, checking hole) up to the connection point of public network for draining sewage and for clean water, latrine, sink, and well; and stable point of the height of plot after the arrangement
  • Plan of all warehouse floors (scale 1:100)
  • Plan of the underground parts and latrine sinks (scale 1:100)
  • Plan of front warehouse (scale 1:100)
  • Plan of divided parts (scale 1:100). This plan shows the same as the front face plan, with one part showing the hygienic latrine sink
  • Table of the surface area for each floor
  • Technical specifications for calculating the ground level surface.

Upon receiving the construction permit, BuildCo must prepare a detailed plan of the construction integration. The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation will review this plan before the construction site is opened.

There is no official fee; however, an informal fee must be paid to facilitate the application.

Time and cost: 14 days, no charge

Request and obtain certification from the Khan or District Governor

Agency: Khan/ District Governor

According to the Decision No. 05 SSR dated February 6, 2006 from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, this procedure must follow Procedure 2. The time frame should be 5 working days by law. The certification fee is not provided for by law. If informal fees are not paid, it generally takes between 4 months to 1 year to obtain the certification.

Time and cost: 182 days, no charge

Submit documents to the Khan Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction Office for review and obtain approval

Agency: Khan Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction Office

The following documents must be submitted within 6 days after Procedure 2 has been completed:

  • Plot plan
  • Structural and engineering plans
  • Plan of the location of the warehouse on the plot
  • Plan of all warehouse floors. This plan specifies the purpose of using the rooms and the area, sanitation installation, and areas for pipes placing
  • Plan of the underground parts and the latrine sinks (scale, 1:100)
  • Plan of front building (scale 1:100): This plan specifies the front face plan, showing the height level of the following: each floor; land at the bottom of the building, by specifying the height level of natural land, filled land, or removal land; the roof and limit of roof or height of existing terrace and the wall barriers; existing flower’s pole and substance for front face
  • Plan of divided parts (scale, 1:100): This plan shows the same as the front face plan with one part showing the hygienic latrine sink
  • Table of surface area for each floor
  • Technical specifications for calculating the ground level surface
  • Additional documents: the applicant may be requested to provide additional documents for reasons of hydrology, prevention against all types of annoyance, public order, and protection of patrimony or landscape
  • Title certificate
  • Application for construction permit (10 copies)

There is no official fee; however, an informal fee must be paid.

Time and cost: 14 days, no charge

Request and obtain the approval (building permit) of the Municipal Department of Land Management, Construction and Urban Planning

Agency: Municipal Department of Land Management, Construction and Urban Planning

BuildCo must file the documents with the Sangkat Office/Commune first, then to Khan/District), then with (a) the Municipality/Province for plots under 3,000 sq. m. or (b) the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction for plots above 3,000 sq. m. However, BuildCo does not need to visit each government office if the builder hires an agent who handles the construction permit application to completion.

Fee schedule for construction permit according to the Joint Prakas 995 on provision of the Public Services Delivered by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Plannign, and Construction :

Surface of the construction on the land (SCL) less than or equal to

  • 100 sq. m.: KHR 1,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 200.00 sq. m.: KHR 2,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 300.00 sq. M.: KHR 3,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 400.00 sq. m.: KHR 4,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 500.00 sq. m.: KHR 5,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 1,000.00 sq. m.: KHR 8,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 2,000.00 sq. m.: KHR 10,000,000
  • Less than or equal to 3,000.00 sq. m.: KHR 12,000,000

Based on the Decision No. 5 SSR from the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction, after the examination by the Khan Land Office, the documents will be forwarded to the Phnom Penh Municipal Department of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and Cadastre (the “PP LO”). At the PP LO, the documents will be examined by the relevant offices such as the Cadastral Office, Technical and Geography Office, Construction Office, and Land Management Office. After the approval of the PP LO, the documents will be forwarded to the Phnom Penh Municipality (the “PPM”) who will have 5 days for a final examination and issuance of the construction permit. The construction permit is valid for one year from the date of its issuance by the PPM and can be extended once for another year.

Article 9.10 of the Sub Decree No. 86 on Construction Permit stipulates that after obtaining the Construction Permit, there shall be an iron structure plan which will be examined by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. However, this is not enforced in practice, but maybe arbitrarily used by some officials.

Time and cost: 365 days, KHR 6,720,000

Notify the Sangkat Office once the building permit is obtained

Agency: Sangkat Office

Under Cambodian regulation, after receiving the building permit from the provincial or municipal authority, the company must notify other relevant authorities. Construction work must commence within a year from the date of issuance of the construction permit.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Notify the Khan Office once the building permit has been obtained

Agency: Khan Office/ District

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Request “construction site opening” from the Phnom Penh Municipal Department of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction and Cadastre (the “PP LO”)

Agency: Phnom Penh Municipal Department of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction and Cadastre (the “PP LO”)

BuildCo must inform the authorities about the start of the construction within 7 days. Then the authority will issue a declaration of “construction site opening.” In order to start construction and as required by Sub Decree No. 86 on Construction Permit and Decision No. 05, the construction owner shall apply to the PP LO (not the Khan Land Office or the Sala Khan) for an approval to open the construction site. The PP LO will respond to the request within 6 days.

According to the Prakas 995, this costs 10% of the building permit fee.

Time and cost: 1 day, KHR 672,000

Receive an inspection from technical official

Agency: Technical Department

The Technical Department sends an expert to inspect the construction site before construction starts.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority of the poles setup and receive inspection

Agency: Technical Department

The inspector may visit the site without notifying BuildCo. The inspection takes a few hours, depending on the construction size and complexity. After receiving notification from BuildCo, an inspector will visit the site within 2 or 3 days. It is not necessary to stop the construction work.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority after foundation work and receive inspection

Agency: Technical Department

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority when columns are built and receive inspection

Agency: Technical Department

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority when walls are erected and receive inspection

Agency: Technical Department

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority when floors are built and receive inspection

Agency: Technical Department

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Inform the building authority upon completion of construction

Agency: Technical Department

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Request connection to water and sewage services

Agency: Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA)

BuildCo must fill out some application forms for the water and sewage connection.

BuildCo is not required to prepay government and service fees before, or at the time of, the connection. Instead, it must pay the following only after approval: the government fee (as listed below), the plumbing service fee [between KHR 200,000.00 (USD 50.00) and KHR 300,000.00 (USD 75.00) plus KHR 457,750.00 (USD 114.44)], and the water meter network length connection fee [KHR 92,800.00 (USD 23.20): water subscription cost)] = KHR 800,550.00.

The water subscription fee for networks varies by water connection type (Point A and Point B) and is based on network length and water-meter size:

  • Point A: Water subscription for new network is calculated as follows (for a network length of 15 mm):
    • 0 to 10 mm: KHR 457,750.00 (USD 114.44)
    • 11 mm to 20 mm: KHR 460,400.00 (USD 115.10)
    • 21 mm to 30 mm: KHR 665,200.00 (USD 166.30)
    • 31mm to 40 mm: KHR 772,250.00 (USD 193.06)
    • 41 mm up to 50 mm: KHR 878,500.00 (USD 219.62)
  • Point B: Water subscription for available network with meter is calculated as follows (SN meter size water subscription fee):
    • 15 mm: KHR 92,800.00 (USD 23.20)
    • 20 mm: KHR 98,900.00 (USD 24.73)
    • 25 mm: KHR 106,900.00 (USD 26.73)
    • 30 mm: KHR 225,000.00 (USD 56.25)
    • 40 mm: KHR 271,000.00 (USD 67.75)

Time and cost: 1 day, KHR 550,000

Receive inspection by water authorities and obtain water and sewage connection

Agency: Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA)

According to Article 18 of Sub-Decree N0 89 the technical committee conducts inspection “during the connections of sewers, water and electricity systems.” In general, water and power supply companies must conduct on-site inspections to determine how to connect the construction to the network and to estimate the cost of this connection. In addition to providing water services, the utilities must ensure the connection is made according to the approved plan.

Time and cost: 42 days, no charge

Inform the building authority once connection to utilities is complete

Agency: Khan Office/ District

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive final inspection by the relevant authorities

Agency: Khan Office/District, Urbanization and Construction Office, Municipality/ Provincial Authority

At the end of construction, the District or Khan Office and the Urbanization and Construction Office may check simultaneously that the erected building complies with the construction permit specifications.

Time and cost: 1 day, KHR 672,000

Obtain certificate of compliance from building authority

Agency: Khan Office/ District

After the final inspection, the municipal or provincial authority issues the certificate of compliance or could take legal action for noncompliance.

Time and cost: 21 days, no charge