

Construction Permission

Request and obtain notarized copy of land ownership certificate

Agency: Notary

BuildCo must notarize a copy of the land ownership certificate before applying for the building permit.

Time and cost: 1 day, IDR 25,000

Request city planning permit (KRK) and approval of the architectural drawing Pengesahan Gambar Perencanaan Arsitektur (formerly known as building site plan – RTLB) from City Planning Office

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

BuildCo must submit a completed application form, along with the following documentation to the City Planning Office at the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP) in order to obtain the city planning permit (KRK):

  • The application form signed by the authorized representative of the BuildCo;
  • A copy of land ownership certificate (which has been notarized);
  • A copy of the latest payment receipt for land and building tax;
  • A copy of the identity card (KTP/Driving License) of the authorized representative of the applicant;
  • A copy of the deed of establishment of the BuildCo and its amendments (if any);
  • A power of attorney (as necessary).

The city planning official at the BPTSP will examine the application and will conduct a land situation measurement (the procedural details of which are elaborated in the next section below).

The KRK is a statement that contains planning information about the plot of land that BuildCo intends to build the warehouse on. The KRK also includes a city planning map scale (1:1000) signed by the Head of Jakarta City Planning Office. The city planning map covers information on:

  • Building setback (GSB) – the borders within which BuildCo is allowed to construct the building
  • Road border lines (GSJ) – the borders of the front yard or block borders or road control borders
  • Land use plan – explanation about the benefits of the land
  • Type of building
  • Height of building in terms of floors/storey
  • Floor area ratio (FAR/KLB) – the multiplication figure used to calculate the total area of building that is permitted
  • Building coverage (KDB)
  • Blocking – the arrangement of city spaces on certain lanes governing the length and width of the piece of land for which the city planning permit is being applied for

BuildCo must also request approval of the architectural drawings Pengesahan Gambar Perencanaan Arsitektur (formerly known as building site plan – RTLB) from the City Planning Office. This plan outlines the exact position of the building on the city planning map and contains the following information (some of which is already contained on the city planning map previously):

  • Building setback (GSB) – the borders within which BuildCo is allowed to construct the building
  • Road border lines (GSJ) – the borders of the front yard or block borders or road control borders
  • Building trace form and location
  • Building usage
  • Height of building, including KDB (building coverage) and KLB (floor area)
  • Building cuts
  • Parking lot
  • Kelzar circulation/entry of vehicles

BuildCo pays for printing situation maps, usually five at a cost of IDR 12,000 each, as part of the spatial planning service.

Time and cost: 1 day, IDR 60,000

Receive inspection from City Planning Office

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

The City Planning Office inspects the site to measure the pland situation and plant the marks on the borders of the building. For this purpose, a Decision Letter on Regional Levy (Surat Ketetapan Retribusi Daerah or “SKRD”) will be issued.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain KRK and Pengesahan Gambar Perencanaan Arsitektur (formerly known as RTLB) from City Planning Office

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

After the inspection, the application is forwarded to different offices within the City Planning Office for approval. The location officer, the roads officer and the architectural officer approve the application and will prepare the land measurement letter. When the internal procedure is completed, the builder is notified (by phone, mail or electronically) and can pick up the KRK. The recommendation letter includes the documents listed previously.

Time and cost: 20 days, no charge

Request and obtain the preparation of the Environmental Management Plan (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (UPL)

Agency: External Consultant

Prior to obtaining a UKL-UPL, BuildCo must obtain the KRK and Pengesahan Gambar Perencanaan Arsitektur (formerly known as building site plan – RTLB). BuildCo hires an external consultant that will prepare the Environmental Management Plan (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (UPL). When they are ready, BuildCo will submit the documents to the relevant mayor or regent, governor of the DKI Jakarta province, or the Minister of Environment, depending on the location of the activities, to obtain a UKL-UPL recommendation.

Time and cost: 30 days, IDR 15,000,000

Obtain a soil test

Agency: Private engineering firm

BuildCo will request a soil test for the structural calculations for the foundation.

Time and cost: 21 days, IDR 25,000,000

Request and obtain the approval of the Environmental Management Plan (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (UPL)

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

The legal basis for this procedure is:

  • Law No. 32 of 2009 regarding the Environment
  • Decision of the Minister of the Environment No 86 of 2002 on Implementation of UKL and UPL

Time and cost: 10 days, no charge

Request and obtain building construction permit (IMB)

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

When BuildCo has the complete set of documents (see below) and the application is submitted, the Supervision and Control Office will conduct an inspection. Given that the plot where the warehouse will be built is empty, no representative from BuildCo needs to be present. Officials will only verify that the plot is vacant.

The legal basis for this procedure is:

  • Regulation of the Head of the Local Building Supervision and Control (P2B) Office No. 21 Year 2009, Annex I point I.b
  • The legal basis for the time to complete this step is 15 days working days pursuant to Regulation 129 of 2012.

The supporting documents required are:

  • Photocopy of the ID Card
  • Photocopy of the Land Certificate (notarized)
  • Land use permit (SIPPT)
  • KRK and Pengesahan Gambar Perencanaan Arsitektur (formerly known as building site plan – RTLB) (description and map of the city, including the complete plan of the building) obtained from the City Planning Office
  • Architectural, structural, mechnical and electrical as-built drawings (4 sets)
  • Results of soil investigation (4 sets)
  • Photocopy of the license to operate as a Building Planner
  • Photocopy of the license of the supervising director
  • Photocopy of the license of the architect, the structural engineer, the mechanical engineer and the electrical engineer who prepare the drawings
  • Statement of uncontested ownership of the land for which IMB is applied
  • Company’s Deed of Establishment
  • Company’s tax ID (NPWP)
  • Completed Application Form
  • Receipt of UKL-UPL or UKL-UPL •Recommendation from the BPLHD
  • Copy of evidence of tax payment for the most current year
  • Budget plan (if required)

The Building Supervision and Control Office has 4 different teams that review the architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings. The application is first reviewed by TPAK (the team that reviews the architectural drawings). This can take 3-4 weeks. The application is then forwarded to TPKB (team that reviews the structural drawings) and in parallel to TPIB (team that reviews the mechanical, electrical and plumbing drawings). This also takes about 3-4 weeks on average.

According to Bylaw No. 3 on Building Tariff Rates of October 2012, the permit fee is calculated as follows:

RPP = L x It x HSbg = 1,300.6 x 2.1 x 25,000

  • L = area of the building (1,300.6 sq. m)
  • It = index that is calculated as follows:

Ikg x If x Ik x Iw x Ipt where Ikg = 1 (for a new building); If = 3 (for commercial buildings); Ik = 0.7; Iw = 1 (for permanent buildings); Ipt = 1 (if the building does not have a basement). Therefore, It = 1 x 3 x 0.7 x 1 x 1 = 2.1

  • HSbg = IDR 25,000 / sq. m.

Time and cost: 42 days, IDR 58,471,407

Receive inspection upon completion of foundation

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

According to the building regulations, the Supervision and Control Office must inspect during the various phases of construction.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive inspection upon completion of the structure

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

According to the building regulations, the Supervision and Control Office must inspect during the various phases of construction.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive inspection upon completion of roofing

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

According to the building regulations, the Supervision and Control Office must inspect during the various phases of construction.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Submit building completion report to Supervision and Control Office

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

The construction completion and compliance report is a prerequisite for obtaining the certificate of proper functioning (SLF) and the usage permit. The party issuing the official report on the completion of the construction and compliance with the building permit is the Supervising Director, who can be an individual, a group of experts, or an entity appointed by the project owner to supervise the construction work. For the Doing Business case study, the supervising director would most likely be in-house.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive final inspection from the Fire Department

Agency: Fire Department

The Fire Department must conduct a final inspection once the building is completed. They will then issue a certificate of fire safety recommendations stating the building was built according to the proper safety standards. This fire safety certificate is needed in order to obtain the SLF.

To obtain the fire safety certificate, an application is to be filed to the relevant PTSP with the following documents before the inspection:

  • An application letter;
  • Identity of the applicant;
  • A Power of Attorney (as applicable);
  • Constitutional documents and Taxpayer Registration Number (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) of the applicant, in case the applicant is a legal entity;
  • The IMB;
  • Fire Safety Expertise Registration Certificate (Tanda Daftar Keahlian Keselamatan Kebakaran); and
  • A Technical Proposal.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive final inspection from the Supervision and Control Office

Agency: Local Administrative Building Office – Supervision and Control Office (P2B) within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

Pursuant to Regulation 25/2007 and Regulation 129/2012, before the issuance of the certificate of proper functioning or SLF, the relevant officer will conduct an inspection to determine the completeness of technical requirements of the construction. The inspection is conducted to ensure that the building is properly built for occupancy or usage.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain water and sewerage connection

Agency: PAM Jaya

The application to obtain water and sewerage connection shall be submitted to PAM Jaya through its designated providers, which are PT AETRA Air Jakarta for warehouses located in the North and East regions of Jakarta, and PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) for warehouses located in the South, Central, and West regions of Jakarta.

The application should be submitted along with the following documents:

  • A copy of land and building tax documents;
  • A copy of the KTP (the identity card) of BuildCo’s director or the applicant;
  • A copy of business license of BuildCo;
  • The prediction on water needs.

Time and cost: 20 days, IDR 30,492,880

Obtain SLF (certificate of proper functioning) from the Supervision Office

Agency: Local Administrative Building Office – Supervision and Control Office (P2B) within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

The SLF is required under Law No. 25/PRT/M/2007 and Law No. 7/2010 on Buildings. The certificate is a declaration that the building has been built according to the conditions stipulated in the building permit and can be used in accordance with its intended function. BuildCo must submit the following documents in order to obtain the SLF:

  • Completed application form;
  • A copy of applicant’s ID card (KTP);
  • A copy of Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP) of the applicant;
  • A copy of legalized land and building ownership proof or a copy of SIPPT (Principal License to Use and Develop Land);
  • A copy of the building permit (IMB) and all of its attachments;
  • A copy of the architectural drawing on the attachment to the IMB or the latest permit;
  • 3 sets of City Plan Information (Keterangan Rencana Kota or KRK) or Building Zoning Plan (Rencana Tata Letak Bangunan or RTLB) or situation map (or peta situasi);
  • Statement of Building Completion (Keterangan Selesai Membangun) and building implementation result (if any);
  • 3 sets of the legalized as-built drawing of the building;
  • A digital form of the as built drawing of the building architecture including situation drawing in CAD format (if required);
  • A report of the building maintenance.

Time and cost: 49 days, no charge

Register the warehouse with the Regional Tax Services Unit

Agency: Regional Tax Services and Retribution Unit (Unit Pelayanan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah) within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

After the warehouse is built BuildCo must update its records at the Regional Tax Services Unit. While in theory this update can be done automatically, many builders do it in person to avoid delays. This is critical when a builder wants to sell the property or use it as collateral to obtain a loan.

Pursuant to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 65 of 2018 on Regional Tax Identification Numbers (which revoked the Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 202 of 2012), registration of a warehouse is to be submitted with the following documents:

  • A copy of the applicant’s identity;
  • A Power of Attorney signed over an IDR6,000 duty stamp (if relevant);
  • Copies of the applicant’s constitutional documents;
  • A copy of the land certificate;
  • A statement letter stating that the land is not currently an object of a dispute;
  • A certificate from the Head of the Sub-District where the warehouse is located;
  • A copy of the land sale and purchase agreement;
  • A copy of the IMB; and
  • A validated/certified copy of the Statement on the Payment of Regional Tax on Customs for the Acquisition over the Right of Land and Building (SSPD BHPTB).

Time and cost: 11 days, no charge

Register the warehouse with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Trade

Agency: Investment and One-Stop Services Department within the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/BPTSP)

In order to register the warehouse with the Ministry of Trade and obtain a warehouse registration certificate (Tanda Daftar Gudang or “TDG”), BuildCo must submit the following documents:

  • A copy of the identity card (KTP) of the owner of or person responsible for BuildCo;
  • A copy of the deed of establishment of BuildCo and its amendments (if any):
  • A copy of building permit (IMB) of the warehouse; and
  • Two photos of the owner of or person responsible for BuildCo with the size 4x6cm.

During the submission of the above documents, the applicant must show the original documents to the officer. The holder of warehouse registration certificate is obliged to re-register the certificate every 5 years.

Warehouses in a privately owned port, warehouses in a bonded zone, and warehouses adjacent to the plant are exempted from the registration requirement.

Time and cost: 9 days, IDR 100,000