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As a leader in our industry, we help our customers and partners build and manage high-performance operations to rapidly achieve more efficient and effective business impact.

  • Company: Good Rubbet Works Industries Sdn Bhd
  • Legal Representative: Mr. Lee Chew Yong (Director)
  • Address: J 7763 Merlimau Industrial Estate, Merlimau, 77300 Malacca, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 6263 1985
  • Fax: +60 6263 2835
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: goodrubber.com

Products: Extruded Rubber Products, Fuel Hose, Hose, Hose (Straight), Hose for Heater, Hose for LPG, Hose for Radiator, Mat, Molded Products
