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We are a science-led global healthcare company with a mission: we want to help people to do more, feel better, live longer. The vaccines, medicines, and consumer healthcare products that we research and develop can improve people’s health and well-being, ultimately helping them live life to its fullest and contribute to the prosperity of their communities. GSK was one of the first healthcare companies to establish a presence in Indonesia, grown to become the biggest healthcare company in Indonesia.

Our business imperative in Indonesia is to help meet the diverse healthcare needs of the country. Through holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards, continuously expanding our geographical coverage, widening our product portfolio, and making our products more affordable and available, we aim to deliver more products of value to more Indonesians, so that they can do more, feel better, and live longer. Today we employ more than 1300 people in Indonesia, every one of whom share our mission to help people do more, feel better and live longer.

  • Company: GSK Pharmaceutical
  • Address: Prof Dr Satrio No. 164 Menara Standard Chartered 35th Floor Jakarta 12930, Indonesia
  • Phone:+62 21 2553 2350/ +62 21 252 3490
  • Fax:+62 21 2551 2360/ +62 21 252 3494
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: gsk.com

Products: Presciption medicines, Vaccines, Consumer healthcare products, ViiV Healthcare, Stiefel dermatology
