PT. Sekina Agung Abadi
CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE Metal Building Materials Metals & Metal Products MINERALS & METALLURGY Indonesia
PT. Sekina Agung Abadi
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- Indonesia
- Posted 4 years ago
Sekina Agung for sheet metal fabrication work, started with the rapid development of the industry in Indonesia, serving services since 2003. We prioritize quality at a low cost. Our team manages the work efficiently and is dedicated to achieving the quality our customers want.
- Company: PT. Sekina Agung Abadi
- Year Established: 2003
- Address: Kedoya Raya No 3, Jakarta Barat 11520, Indonesia
- Phone: +62 21 580 3560
- Fax: +62 21 580 6586
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Products: Sheet Metal Fabrication
Kedoya Raya No 3, Jakarta Barat 11520, Indonesia
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