

Construction Permission

Obtain a Geotechnical study / Soil test

Agency: Private firms

BuildCo will request a soil boring test for the structural calculations for the foundation.

While the soil test is not required by law, it is done in practice as it is used for the structural calculations for the foundation and it is commonly submitted as a supporting document for a building permit application.

Time and cost: 15 days, PHP 70,000

Obtain a Topographical / Geodetic Survey

Agency: Private firms

Topographic Surveys are used to identify and map the contours of the land plot. Its purpose is to serve as a base map for the design of a building. It also shows the boundary lines and is used by designers to accurately show the required setbacks. It is used for the site plan, which is a mandatory requirement for all construction.

Time and cost: 13 days, PHP 35,000

Obtain lot plan with site map from the geodetic engineer

Agency: Geodetic Engineer

BuildCo must obtain the lot plan with a site map from a geodetic engineer to confirm the location of the land purported to be in the land title. The lot plan with a site map is signed, sealed, and prepared after a meticulous geodetic survey, or at least after an analysis has been conducted of the lot technical description appearing on the title.

Time and cost: 10 days, PHP 20,000

Obtain certified true copy of the land title from the Register of Deeds (RD)

Agency: Register of Deeds (RD)

The certified true copy of the land title serves as proof of ownership of the land on which the warehouse is to be built. In order to obtain the copy, BuildCo must visit the Registry of Deeds to fill out an application and show an ID card. After paying a processing fee, a receipt is produced which is presented when returning to collect the Certified True Copy of the Land Title.

Time and cost: 4 days, PHP 235

Obtain barangay clearance

Agency: Barangay

The barangay clearance is not formally a requirement to secure a building permit but it is common industry practice in order to avoid an objection of the Barangay which could delay or stop the construction project. The costs for barangay clearances vary as barangays have the discretion to impose their own fees for as long as such fees are reasonable and within the limits imposed by the Local Government Code and city ordinances.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • Certified true copy of the land title
  • Blueprint copy of the building plans
  • Authorization from the company
  • Photocopy of IDs of authorized representative

Time and cost: 1 day, PHP 500

Apply for the locational clearance at the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO)

Agency: City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) at the Quezon City One Stop Shop

The locational clearance is required to ensure that the construction conforms to the city’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and zoning ordinances.

By virtue of E.O. 11, S-2017 the Quezon City One Stop Shop for Construction Permits receives and processes the locational clearance.

BuildCo must submit the following documents, in addition to the application form:

  • Two (2) Original copies of Accomplished Form for Locational Clearance;
  • Two (2) Original copies of Lot Plan (for new structure/signed & sealed by a Geodetic Engineer). An additional three (3) sets of photocopies must be submitted prior to the release of the clearance; and
  • Two (2) Original copies of Architectural Plan (B.P. 344 –Accessibility Law compliance, if applicable; Site Development Plan (showing parking layout). An additional three (3) sets of photocopies must be submitted prior to the release of the clearance.

The following legal documents and clearances are submitted simultaneously with the foregoing documents:

  • Certified True Copy of the land title;
  • Tax Clearance or Real Property Tax Receipt & Bill;
  • Tax Declaration of the Property;
  • If applicable: Deed of Absolute Sale, Lease Contract/Award Notice, Deed of Assignment or Donation, Memorandum of Agreement or Joint Venture Agreement;
  • Duly Notarized Authorization of Representative; and
  • Authority to Sign (Corporate Secretary’s Affidavit).

Time and cost: 1 day, PHP 200

Receive inspection for the locational clearance from the CPDO

Agency: City Planning and Development Office (CPDO)

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain the locational clearance from the CPDO

Agency: City Planning and Development Office (CPDO)

BuildCo obtains the order of payment at the releasing section if the application is compliant with the Zoning Ordinance of 2016, the Fire Code of the Philippines and the National Building Code of the Philippines. Buildo will then obtain the locational clearance at the CPDO and claim the permits, clearances, sticker and official receipts at the Releasing Section.

Time and cost: 22 days, PHP 13,006

Apply and obtain fire safety evaluation clearance (FSEC) from the local Fire Marshall at the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Agency: Quezon City Fire Marshall – Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

The City Fire Marshall evaluates one set of plans and specifications submitted by the applicant to ensure that they conform to the fire safety and control requirements of the Fire Code. Three sets of the architectural plans must be stamped and approved by the Quezon City Fire Marshall.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • Two (2) sets of Original copies of accomplished Application Form for Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance;
  • Two (2) Original copies of Fire Protection Plan, (if applicable); and
  • Two (2) Original copies of Cost Estimate/Bill of Materials

This is submitted simultaneously with the requirements for the applications for Locational Clearance, Building and Ancillary Permits.

Time and cost: 7 days, PHP 11,055

Apply and obtain the building permit and ancillary permits at the Office of the Building Official (OBO)

Agency: Office of the Building Official (OBO)

Buildco must submit one (1) set of each of the following documents:

  • Building Permit Application Form (Notarized);
  • Sanitary/Plumbing Permit Application Form;
  • Electrical Permit Application Form;
  • Mechanical Permit Application Form;
  • Electronics Permit Application Form;
  • Photocopies of valid PRC IDs & current PTRs with dry seal and 3 specimen signatures of the professionals

As well as two (2) sets of the following documents:

  • Structural Plan (with PRC ID & PTR of the Civil Engineer who signed the plans);
  • Sanitary/Plumbing Plans;
  • Electrical Plans;
  • Mechanical Plans
  • Electronics Plan

One (1) set of the following supporting documents:

  • Project Specifications
  • Structural Analysis and Design Computation (if involving structural members)

Time and cost: 21 days, PHP 43,043

Apply for the fire safety inspection certificate (FSIC) at the BFP

Agency: Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Once construction has been completed, BuildCo requests the BFP to inspect the site to certify that the required fire safety construction, fire protective and/or warning systems are properly installed and in good working condition.

Time and cost: 1 day, PHP 4,304

Receive final inspection for the FSIC from the BFP

Agency: Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain the FSIC from the BFP

Agency: Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Time and cost: 5 days, no charge

Apply for the certificate of occupancy at the OBO

Agency: Office of the Building Official (OBO)

In order to apply for a certificate of occupancy, BuildCo must submit the following to the OBO:

Clearances/Certificates/Legal Documents:

  • Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (original + 2 photocopies)
  • Locational Clearance (3 photocopies)
  • Approved Building Permit (3 photocopies, present original if it has no bar code)
  • Approved Sanitary Permit (3 photocopies)
  • Certificate of Electrical Inspection (CEI) or Approved Electrical Permit (3 copies) w/ CEI Application Forms (2 copies)
  • Approved Mechanical Permit (3 photocopies)
  • Corporate Secretary’s Certification of Board Resolution Authorizing Signatory (if Corporation/notarized original copy + 2 photocopies)

Technical Documents (form must be duly accomplished, wet signed & dry sealed by the professional and signed by the owner/s):

  • Certificate of Completion (for the Structure/2 copies wet signed and dry sealed)
  • Certificate of Completion of Mechanical & Request for Inspection (especially if under Green Building Ordinance / 2 copies, wet signed & dry sealed)
  • Two (2) photocopies each of valid PRC IDs & current PTRs with seal and specimen signatures of the professional in blue ink.

Supporting Document/s (signed and sealed by professionals): Construction Logbook.

BuildCo must also present the Tax Declaration to the OBO as a condition for the release of the occupancy permit.

All documents should be signed and sealed by the architect or engineer who undertook the full-time inspection and supervision of the construction.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive final inspection for the certificate of occupancy from the OBO

Agency: Office of the Building Official (OBO)

The OBO conducts a final inspection to check the building based on the certificate of completion, construction logbook, building inspection sheets, and original and as-built plans and specifications.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain the certificate of occupancy from the OBO

Agency: Office of the Building Official (OBO)

After the OBO has processed the application and conducted the inspection, it then issues an assessment and order of payment. The OBO issues the certificate of occupancy after the applicant has paid the corresponding fees.

Time and cost: 18 days, PHP 17,688

Apply for water and sewage connection

Agency: Manila Water

There are two private water providers for Quezon City. Maynilad services the west zone and Manila Water services the east zone. An inspection takes place within a week and the connection is completed some days after the inspection. The case study assumes that BuildCo will request water from Manila Water as this is the most favorable option.

The required documents, in addition to the application form, are:

  • Proof of Ownership
  • Barangay Clearance
  • Company TIN
  • Valid ID
  • Excavation permit (If advised by the implementing Manila Water business center)

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive inspection for water and sewage connection

Agency: Manila Water

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain water and sewage connection

Agency: Manila Water

Time and cost: 21 days, PHP 15,000

Apply for the tax declaration of improvement at the City Assessor’s Office (CAO)

Agency: City Assessor’s Office (CAO)

BuildCo must update its official records to include the newly built warehouse for tax purposes. The OBO furnishes the CAO with a copy of the building plan and certificate of occupancy to notify them of the new building construction. BuildCo must submit the floor plan and as-built plan to the CAO.

Ordinance No. 2361, series of 2014 entitled: “An Ordinance Requiring All Persons Acquiring Real Property in Quezon City or Making Improvements Thereon to Declare and File a Sworn Statement to the Office of the City Assessor for Real Property Taxation Purposes Such Property Within Sixty (60) Days After Its Acquisition or Upon Completion/Occupancy or Installation of Machineries Whichever Comes First and Imposing Penalties for Violation Thereof” was adopted on 23 December 2014. According to the legislation, the filing of the sworn statement declaring the true value of the property must be done within 60 days after: (a) the date of the final deed of sale, contract or other deed of conveyance; or (b) the date of completion or occupancy of the newly constructed building, house or improvements; or (c) the date of completion or occupancy of any expansion, renovation, or additional structures or improvements; or (d) the date of installation of machinery. Any property owner who fails to comply with the new ordinance will be penalized with a fine of PHP 2,000.00.

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Receive inspection from the appraiser of CAO

Agency: City Assessor’s Office (CAO)

Time and cost: 1 day, no charge

Obtain the tax declaration of improvement from the CAO

Agency: City Assessor’s Office (CAO)

The tax declaration of improvement is released after an appraiser inspects the property.

Time and cost: 3 days, no charge